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the darker the night...      

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     to navigate your life by a compass set to your north star...


                                                              now wouldn't that be something.

 ...the brighter the stars.


our ancestors reduced everything down to one simple, all-encompassing truth;
[no, you pleb, not "god"]
(and, vibrations's inextricable little sister, resonance

[although... i guess.. when you think about the 'all-encompassing' truth of vibration {that 'knows all things' because it is the underlying, everpresent, foundation of all time, space and matter}... you could maybe say... someone, somewhere, got their strings mixed up! {aaaa-hahaha!! you know, because.. ..of.. ..string.. theory...? oh, nevermind.})


and (as if reducing all of reality down to one simple truth wasn't enough), without understanding any of the ‘science’ behind it, the heroes of our ancestral lineages knew that we live in a holographic universe.


"energy, frequency and vibration", okay, because we've always had music, but how could our ancestors have possibly known we live in a 'hologram'!?

a rose by any other name, my friend, would smell just as sweet.


before we dive into what a hologram is (because i'm pretty sure you don't actually know what a hologram actually is); let's first look at a holon.


a holon

is a whole

that is part of a larger whole.

a cell, for example, is a 'whole', and 'part' of a leaf, which itself is a whole and part of a tree, which is part of an ecosystem (which is part of...).

likewise, a (whole) neuron, is part of a (whole) brain is part of a (whole) human (is part of..).

a hologram, is a holon

where every part is identical to the whole.

were you to find yourself a (2D, holographic) postcard (that projects the image of a 3D orange), and try to cut that (orange) in half - you would fail.

be-cause... -that's right!-


every part of a hologram

contains the information of


the whole.


...which means... if 'the whole' is a whole orange, then every part will also show a whole orange;

you could cut that 2D postcard up into as many teeny tiny or irregular shaped pieces as you like and it wouldn't make a difference to what you saw - every piece will always show a whole orange (that is identical to the original whole orange in every way but one: scale - i.e. is that orange going to be the size of a whale or an ant).


the key here is perspective.


were you the size of a whale looking at an orange the size of an ant, it's not that there is any information missing, it's that you would need to zoom in to see the detail (that would be obvious were you the size of an ant).

[and if you were the size of an ant..

looking at an orange the size of a whale...

you'd need to zoom waaaaay out to see the whole orange, right? right.]


and there is no way to 'crop' a hologram - even if you were to cut off a corner of the postcard that only shows the, so called, "empty" space around the orange, both pieces would show a whole orange whose size was relative to the "empty" space around it because that too is part of the original data. 

[and every piece of a hologram preserves every bit of data from the original whole (be it colour, texture, density or proportion {such as the ratio of 'empty space' to 'orange'}) because every piece is a reflection of the whole (and that makes every single bit of data hugely relevant.

{think i'm exaggerating...?

well, ours would be a very different reality, were the 'empty' sky-half of our world to be missing from the equation, wouldn't you say?})]

now, it is not 'the same'..


(a super smooth and creamy) soup is a great example to make sense of this.


you see, no matter how big the (whole) soup-pot puzzle or how small the spoon-sized puzzle pieces, what you see is always the same; every spoon of blitzed-up soup contains all the same information held in the whole pot of blitzed-up soup.

another great example to help visualize this is a rainbow:

no matter if it is a massive ribbon stretched out across the whole sky...

or a teeny tiny wisp floating above your garden hose...

you always see the exact same thing.
i mean, think about it - you've never seen
a green-yellow-bow, or a red-purple-bow, have you?

no matter how large or small the piece you're looking at, you always see all the information in a whole rainbow.

our "primitive" ancestors were able to see the whole universe is vibration.

they recognized the simple truth (which many of us 'advanced modern humans' have difficulty internalizing today) that every 'whole' in the entire observ-(and unobserv-)able universe is actually a holon (a whole that is PART of a larger whole).


far beyond what they 'should' have been able to 'see', our ancestors recognized the holographic nature of this universe (in which every part holds all of the same information as the larger whole).

actually, let me try that again.

since time immemorial, our ancestors have taught us universal truths.


they have taught us 'all is one'.

they have taught us that we are never alone, that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.

they have taught us that, if we put our mind to the task of looking through the right lens, we can see the whole universe reflected back at us in every single 'piece' of it.

without all the fancy external high-tech paraphenalia to 'prove it', our ancestors knew (and taught us) you would find the same answers were you to observe the sun or the moon, the tides or a river, a pride of lions or a murder (or convocation {or conspiracy <or charm -or flight->}) of crows (because a village is not an army... but it could be).

they taught us we could understand the whole cosmos by truly understanding any one part of it, be that part a mountain or a maple leaf, a liver cell or a spoon of soup, a rainbow, a musical note, a word ...or a person.

they taught us that everything we seek is within us (we need only be silent and listen).

our ancestors knew these to be universal truths because they busied themselves with stillness.

they set themselves about knowing the world, not controlling it (and by observing the world {both in and around themselves <very, very well>}) they were able to recognize patterns.

[and they noticed the same, underlying patterns, the same archetypal 'energetic signatures', reflect on the surface of all life, time and time and time again.]

no, (as far as we know) they didn't have the high-tech periscope or 'super advanced' thermal-imaging goggles to see the school of fish, or dangerous predator lurking beneath the surface...


so good were they at seeing with their own two eyes (so in tune were they with the capacities of the even more high-tech liquid bio-crystal bodies they inhabited);

you can be absolutely certain

our ancestors did not 'guess'

they saw the truth 'below' reflected in the pattern 'above', and knew, exactly, what was beneath the surface.

in fact, our ancestors got so good at reading these underlying archetypal patterns, it became possible to connect the archetypal dots - be they very "basic" polar-opposite dots (such as dark & light, cold & hot, wet & dry, winter & summer... ), or the more nuanced dots of a cycle (such as egg, caterpillar, chrysallis, butterfly..) - every archetypal pattern, every 'flavour of energy', every distinct vibration (predictably) transforms into another distinct vibration following a natural progression .



at seeing the connections, the parallels, the cycles within cycles within cycles,



just like the seasons naturally phase from winter to spring to summer (never from spring to winter).

they understood that, if summer and winter were the two faces of a coin, spring and autumn would be the different shades of the spinning coin but, at least here in the 3D realm, the coin would only ever spin one way.


understanding the natural progression of these archetypal energies meant  they weren't limited to understanding 'isolated' moments - they were able to see these patterns at play - the sequence of one moment leading to the next.

(and because of this, they were able to predict what was coming and, more importantly, align with the natural flow of energy.)



so well did our ancestors understand the holographic nature of the universe that they went so far as to teach us about - they painted

it in endless fairy tales, fables, parables, myths, legends, designed to helped us recognize theses patterns for ourselves (oh, and they immortalized it in stone {as if they knew we were going to f̶o̶r̶g̶e̶t̶ be put to sleep for a hundred years and need a smack upside the head from giant stones <where the godly perfection of 'sacred' proportions have been flawlessly rendered -because somehow they also knew they would need to leave us very big rocks to catch our, sadly, very divided, attention->}).]


they recognized how every archetype, every 'flavour of energy', every distinct vibration, transforms following a natural progression, just like the seasons naturally phase from winter to spring to summer (not spring to winter).

four completely different archetypal signatures:
winter - external stillness that holds space for death and sleep, darkness and gestation, dreams and compost.
spring - new growth that sings of lush regeneration and flourishing life.
summer  - intense activity that burns hot and dry and bright.
and autumn - the wind down that offers us the most beautiful way to say goodbye to what is dying.

now, autumn always naturally progresses to winter.

(we might call it 'warm' whether we add cold water to hot, or hot water to cold, but there is a reason we don't call spring and autumn by the same name, though they both contain a warm mix of the hot and cold energies of summer and winter.)


you see, it's not about the mix - it's about the direction of energy.

when things are dying (or cooling) in the autumn, the energy is slowing down - it is moving towards decrease.

once already dead (or cooled) in the winter, the energy has come to a stop - it has paused because it has finished decreasing all there is to decrease and, like a pendulum, must stop moving in one direction, before it is able to move in another.


autumn becoming winter is the only natural direction in which these energies can progress.


autumn will never turn directly into spring because the natural progression requires the energetic signature of stillness (and destruction) that slowing down leads to.

(stillness, or the 'pause', allows energy stores depleted in the last growth cycle to be recharged, and destruction, the composting of the death autumn gave us, into the rich soil that will fuel an abundant spring.)

things that are cooling down (or falling, exhaling, releasing)

get cold

(or reach the still point at the bottom where you've finished falling, exhaling, releasing but haven't yet started to rise, inhale or build up)


cold things warm up (or rise, inhale, build up)

until they get hot

(or reach the still point at the top, where you have stopped rising, inhaling, building up but have yet to start falling, exhaling, releasing).

[the phases of the moon break these 4 down into 8 (where details such as 'mostly hot' and 'mostly cold' are layered on the cooling and warming {because you'd take different clothes with you, were you set out at dusk vs dawn, wouldn't you.}).]


to go from falling to rising, the energy must shift.

just like the seasonal wheel

(which is an archetypal form that represents cycles and the passage of time)

is whole, and made of 4 distinctive <whole> parts

(that cycle around and around, following a natural progression)

so too do all archetypes transform from their 'summer' extreme, to their 'winter' counterpoint (and back again), within cycles within cycles within cycles.

[(and, as is the case with all archetypes) neither 'summer' nor 'winter' energies are inherently good, or bad - the cold and the heat can be either pleasant or punishing, depending on the context - it's all about knowing how to play your cards right.)


[a quick note about "high" & "low vibes";

these are the 'positive' and 'negative' expressions of an underlying vibration, or archetypal form - none of which are inherently 'good' or 'bad'.

every archetypal vibration can express negatively or positively.

the archetypal 'scholar', for example, depending on how he relates to the world, might express as an arrogant, low vibe know-it-all, or, as a super high vibe, passionate & inspiring teacher.

and.. the archetypal scholar might do very well in the world of academia.. but, if you want your win-win-win-win-win, then you're going to need at least one other card when the books are gone and you're playing in a round of intimacy.]


we've got these dfferent vibrations, or archetypes

(different 'flavours of energy', each with it's own specific mix of qualities, or distinctive traits - winters' cold and wet qualities would be difficult to confuse with summer's idiosyncratic hot and dry.)


we've got the natural progression of these archetypal forms.

(which transform from yin to yang
and yang back to yin

in a natural rhythm, or cycle.)

just as we can anticipate winter will be cold and without the summer fruits that once hung from trees (and know to save our 'harvest & stockpile food' card to play at the right 'there's plenty of food' time)..

so too can we anticipate what qualities any archetype will bring to the table and, therefore, plan accordingly.

[(and) just as we can depend on the truth that day will turn to night, will turn to day, will turn to night (when it makes sense to do some things), will turn to day (when it makes sense to do other things)..

so too can we depend on the natural progression of all archetypes.]

this means

(in case i lost you, because -don't worry!- that does sometimes happen)

if you know the archetypes

(which represent the entire spectrum of energetic vibrations from which the whole of this universe is crafted)

and you know their natural progressions

you can anticipate how everything will play out

and, therefore, play the game to win.

you already have within you a whole deck of cards with which to play the game, my friend.

and, our ancestors passed on the stories that taught us how to play the game, to win .



these stories are part of our legacy.

(which isn't just what we leave behind but also what we have been left.)


now, i know i don't have to tell you

'sprouting seedlings' is not 'in alignment' with the energetic signature of winter

for you to know it

(but that is probably because, at some point, you were told a story about it <not because you personally tried to sprout seedlings in the winter and observed the results>)

(and, in case you haven't ever been told a story about it, things typically don't grow in winter - let alone sprout! {because they are too busy, hibernating!})


i might have to tell you

the amount of lifeforce required

(to nurture and sustain one {very sad-looking} seedling)

in the winter


in the spring-time (where seedlings belong)

be magnified
into time & energy enough

to tend a whole crop (of very happy-looking seedlings {that would flourish}).



[this, by the way, is what it means to build momentum - things are growing and you help them to grow faster.]



i may also have to tell you

by using your time & energy

(to sustain that seedling in the winter, where it does not belong)

when what does make sense is to rest

(and, thus, recharge your depleted batteries {which winter makes real easy, with it's long, dark nights and cold, wet days that beg us to stay home!});
you set yourself up to crash and burn, baby, burn.


(because, trust me, when the dawn of the day, that you could depend on arriving, has arrived, and you can't get out of bed because you didn't sleep, and your energy reserves are depleted...
, all i will say is good luck making that work out for you.)



only a 'crazy' person would 'choose' to throw away an ace (and all the sparkly ace-points that come with it) in a hand that would nullify it's power.

yet, we throw away valuable cards (everyday!) trying to sprout seedlings before it's spring, trying to stay active when it's time to hibernate, trying to preserve the autumn leaves (that have already had their day in the sun {and would be much faster on their way to their next incarnation, were you to give them a helping hand and crumble them underfoot}).


it's time we learn to play our cards, right

because that is our legacy.


might not have high-tech thermal-imaging goggles or be able to understand the fancy math that translates the world we see into the resonant frequencies we cannot see


you have eyes.


you have the capacity to anticipate.


(and, thus, the power to plan accordingly)

which means you can win every game you play.
[(because) even if someone else 'wins' the hand; a 'win-lose', my friend, is not a win - it is a win-lose.

(an all'round win-win<-win-win-win! where everyone benefits> is the only, real win <and that is what we're gunning for, yes?>.)]



to win, you need to see the game that is right in front of your eyes.

and for that, you must let your eyes and ears and open the doors of your imagination

(because if you've never faced {& defeated} a terrifying beast in your imagination, chances are, you won't ever defeat the terrifying beasts you meet in real life.)

lucky for us, our ancestors empowered us to be the heroes of our stories.


with fables, fairytales, myths, legends, parables and proverbs that activated our imaginations.
[we are always free to align (to row downstream {and build immense momentum in exchange for very little 'extra' effort})..

or, we are free to.. not align (and struggle to row our canoe upstream where, if we arrive {and that's a big 'if'}, we arrive depleted).]

those fairytales made visible what we could depend on, besides day turning to night.

those fables taught us how to recognize the archetypes

those myths taught us to see archetypes moving through their natural progressions and anticipate how every hand would play out.

those legends impressed upon us how to align with the movement of energy, to work with vibrational truths by choosing to play the right card (or cards) at the right time.

i don't have to tell you the energy signature of an apex predator, such as a jaguar or a lion, for example, is completely distinct to the energy signature of, say, a mouse, or bird, or deer.

of course.. the better you know the cards, the more masterfully you will be able to play the game, but you needn't have spent years observing these animals to recognize the chief archetypal energies they express - anyone even vaguely familiar with a jaguar, a mouse, a bird & a deer, could easily differentiate their strengths and weaknesses & determine which would be the best vibration(/s) to play in a given hand, and, like the bull in the china shop, which vibration(/s) would absolutely suck.

anyone can anticipate, depending whether the situation calls for gentleness or laser focus, attention to detail, or a birdseye view, how these energetic signatures would play out.


when you learn how to play your cards, right, you can skew any situation, to create the results you desire.



become the hero of your story

let me empower you.

here's some sound medicine, for your healing..

sara was born somewhere 'western'.

as a very small child she emigrated to different western and, as a young teen, relocated to yet another western.
[despite this, she is, fortunately, of very mixed cardinality.]

we will never know if sara would have continued down the yellow brick mainstream road had an earth-shattering cancer statistic not struck someone she cared about very much, because the universe did gift her with just such a "calamity".

[she spent the next 7 years of her life traveling by bicycle (with a fellow muskateer {that beat the statistic}, one lucky-ass dog {that will, one day, have her own series on netflix}, a totally absurd amount of luggage {that represented the do-to list she, as with most to-do lists, never got around to} and an incorruptible intention {"to learn everything one must learn to help anyone, anywhere live independant of 'the system' <that feeds off peoples' suffering>"})...

before deciding it was time to jump on the next ride at the amusement park.]

although sara is, mostly, enormously grateful to the universe (for the truly monumental favour that came disguised as a "calamity")...
now and then (i.e. when the 'no self-care' bill comes due and she feels terribly exhausted), she is also exceedingly resentful because (though nowhere near granting 'bliss') following a dull & thought-less, but well-paved, path of ignorance (that one is anaesthetised to not notice the noxiousness of) is a shit-tonne 'easier' than hacking your way through a magical bioluminescent, but emotionally-charged & thought-provoking, jungle.

['luckily', sara has collected a sizeable pouch of gems of wisdom, over-sized belt crammed with tools and a down-
sized phonebook of guides to call on to help her get back on the high-vibe horse (because less is more, but there is no 'one tool fits all' and {to the consternation of her hearts' delight <that longs for the tranquil hermits' life she could be living somewhere in a transylvanian forest -far, far away from people->} she is very selfishly 'in it' to help the 'all' {because she knows a rising tide lifts all ships and, paradisical transylvanian forest or no, any whale will tell you - being beached is a total. fucking. drag.}.).]


if sara had to describe herself in 3 words it would be "bear, wolf, snake" (or, perhaps, "writer, teacher, mystic").

[were she to live in an indestructible bubble of self-assuredness she might say "visionary, elder, healer"... but, as she does not, we'll just have to stick with bear, wolf, snake.]

others have described her (to her hubris) as "a swiss army knife", (to her chagrin) as "a walking encyclopedia" and (to the conservation of her resilience) as "living in the future".


if she did not live in a world where 'legitimacy' is reserved for people (as liz greene puts it) with respectable letters after their names; sara would be a nutritionist, a psychotherapist, a physical therapist, a gp, and a 'scientist' (more than qualified for an account on researchgate).

[in the world of the future she does live in, sara is an initiate of the worlds oldest science (astrology), a tenured professor of cycles (from which the stage of our lives are built), a new school witch, a pathfinder and a horseman of the pluto-in-aquarius revolution that is changing the game of the earth beneath our feet > you can check out here c.v. here..]


sara invites you to come join her in the future (where she lives in a palace built of ancient wisdom {with a lion-sized imagination, an imaginary lion-sized cat and her housemates' small pride of real-life cats}).

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